Lapan telah memperkirakan puncak aktivitas matahari terjadi pada 2012 hingga 2015. Pada puncak siklus itu aktivitas matahari akan tinggi dan terjadi badai matahari. Disinggung seberapa besar volume partikel berenergi tinggi atau ledakan yang terjadi, belum bisa dipastikan terkait berapa lama dan kapan terjadinya.

perempuan bugil di depan Kampus UK Petra

Seorang perempuan bugil di depan Kampus UK Petra, kawasan Siwalankerto, Surabaya, tertangkap kamera ponsel. Wanita berkulit putih mulus yang diduga seorang mahasiswi tersebut motifnya sampai telanjang belum diketahui pasti. Foto bugil yang menggegerkan sebut beredar melalui BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), Selasa (8/3/2011). Sang pemotret wanita itu mengabadikan kejadian dari balik jendela mobil.

Kode 666 Dalam Microchip Mondex

Microchip Mondex yang tertanam dalam tubuh manusia menyimpan kode 666. Mereka yang memakai microchip ini mendapat fasilitas khusus. Mereka tinggal meletakkan tangan mereka di atas scanner komputer dan semua transaksi jual beli dapat dilakukan dengan otomatis tanpa menggunakan uang tunai.

Pembuktian Matematis bahwa 2 + 2 = 5

Gue gak nyangka kalo 2 + 2 = 5 itu bisa dibuktiin secara matematis! Selama ini elo setuju kan kalo 2 + 2 itu sama dengan 4? Gue akhirnya nemuin rumus pembuktian untuk hal itu! Percaya gak lo…? Baca aja pelan-pelan dan jangan lupa corat-coret di kertas kalo elo emang penasaran!!

Tipe Wanita Bisa Dilihat Dari Bentuk Payudaranya

Payudara adalah salah satu harta terbesar yang dimiliki oleh seorang wanita karena itu sedapat mungkin seorang wanita merawat dan melindunginya. Namun berdasarkan sebuah Survey, sifat, tipe dan kepribadian seorang wanita dapat dilihat berdasarkan bentuk Payudara yang dimilikinya

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Park Place harbored Fly Gede Prama

Park Place harbored Fly Gede Prama

EVERY time there is a shift in seasons, especially from dry season to rainy season, suddenly there is joy instantly appears. Each eye is equipped with a clarity, every ear that is friendly to sensitivity, every taste is often friendly to the vibrations of the universe, seeing the emergence of joy when the rains come.
This excitement was not accompanied by applause, not followed by the sound of music, let alone giving trophies. Once again, almost no hustle and bustle there. There are only expressions of joy as a mirror of deep gratitude.

Consider any tree. Complete with the root, stem, leaf, flower to fruit. His face was different when the rains come. Even compared with the human hand tree watered three times a day, a different appearance.
Not only leaves and flowers that grow a lot, but the expression of leaf and flower quality is also different. Not only that hug the ground roots that seem happy, even the land where many things come as well as revealing the faces of joy. So in totality, when the rainy season, as there is a silence at the park there.

Some call it longing voice, some expect it as an expression of gratitude, some say that it is a form of celebration.
I do not know, obviously the old nature is much longer than humans actually brings far more meaning than just the physical existence of human reason.

It is true, almost all inputs come from the nature of human life.
Food, beverages, and even human thought were some more derived or inspired from nature.
Lights illuminated the understanding like this, there is a friend who whispers: there is more than just natural phisical reason for survival. Nature is also a guidance path meyakinan when people want to go home.
Jolted by last whisper friend clarity, there is a pair of eyes looking at, which parts of nature that could be a clue to the human way home.
Pohonkah, batukah, tanahkah, langitkah, sun, or even animals. Because they all have different languages with humans, of course they can not give an answer in human language.
Some more of the networking universe even knows only the language of silence and quiet with no judgments. As would whisper quiet and silent without the judgments that people brought the streets to go home.

Call clarity teacher who named the tree. He never stopped walking with a language: sincere! The rain came, the hot dry season, fertile soil, the soil is baked, even in front of people who want to eliminate, or even before the death of his capital was the same: the sincere!
Flowers are also similar. Once its fragrant smell spread over, he wilted and then fell to the ground to perform the next task as a fertilizer. Especially water.

So far whatever way he should go, he still did his job running a vengeance. More-over land are often called Mother Earth.
He only knows a language: giving. There was no protest about the outcome there, the discourse, let alone resistance. There is only perseverance to do all the tasks of life. Once again like she whispered, perform the duties of life in earnest. Let the outcome is determined entirely by who have a life.

Park Life
It's about the garden in the yard, there are actually a bigger garden and magnificent: the life. Similar to the actual garden, life is also familiar with the changes and celebrations.
Amendments do not need to be told because it was too obvious. But the celebrations, this is the difference with the park. Park did the celebration almost every day at every change. Park is the celebration of a new human life if the changes 'in accordance' with the criteria in the head.
Park knows no competition, either for reasons of growth or other reasons. Not a single tree trunk that hanky panky in the garden. While the garden of life require competition. Mainly for reasons of growth. As if the competition would not exist without growth.

Learning from the garden of life that has started so hot and sumpeknya by war, conflict, hostility, and divorce. There friends in a particular corner of the park to think of other lives: in the garden of the Mystics, 'there is no I, she or he. There is only We and us. Seeing our selves as islands is the cause of our inability to find the fullest experience of life. At least that's what was written Wayne W. Dyer in the Wisdom of the Ages.

In the garden of life, there is no island. There is only unity of mutual networking hooks-hook. Anyone who founded the island of 'me' in there, he would have difficulties to experience life fully. Just like a drop of water. A drop of water it can do very little. Never sweep anything, treat thirst was far from enough.
But, when a drop of water had been united with the ocean, it has a very powerful force. The same thing happens in every life that becomes one with unity. He sedahsyat ocean! In such circumstances, can be tolerated if there is a call park life garden as a place harboring longing.

Miss a drop of water are united with the ocean. In the language of Wayne W. Dyer: That the single quality defines mysticism is the idea of the oneness. I have a friend who had come to the park where harbored miss?