Lapan telah memperkirakan puncak aktivitas matahari terjadi pada 2012 hingga 2015. Pada puncak siklus itu aktivitas matahari akan tinggi dan terjadi badai matahari. Disinggung seberapa besar volume partikel berenergi tinggi atau ledakan yang terjadi, belum bisa dipastikan terkait berapa lama dan kapan terjadinya.

perempuan bugil di depan Kampus UK Petra

Seorang perempuan bugil di depan Kampus UK Petra, kawasan Siwalankerto, Surabaya, tertangkap kamera ponsel. Wanita berkulit putih mulus yang diduga seorang mahasiswi tersebut motifnya sampai telanjang belum diketahui pasti. Foto bugil yang menggegerkan sebut beredar melalui BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), Selasa (8/3/2011). Sang pemotret wanita itu mengabadikan kejadian dari balik jendela mobil.

Kode 666 Dalam Microchip Mondex

Microchip Mondex yang tertanam dalam tubuh manusia menyimpan kode 666. Mereka yang memakai microchip ini mendapat fasilitas khusus. Mereka tinggal meletakkan tangan mereka di atas scanner komputer dan semua transaksi jual beli dapat dilakukan dengan otomatis tanpa menggunakan uang tunai.

Pembuktian Matematis bahwa 2 + 2 = 5

Gue gak nyangka kalo 2 + 2 = 5 itu bisa dibuktiin secara matematis! Selama ini elo setuju kan kalo 2 + 2 itu sama dengan 4? Gue akhirnya nemuin rumus pembuktian untuk hal itu! Percaya gak lo…? Baca aja pelan-pelan dan jangan lupa corat-coret di kertas kalo elo emang penasaran!!

Tipe Wanita Bisa Dilihat Dari Bentuk Payudaranya

Payudara adalah salah satu harta terbesar yang dimiliki oleh seorang wanita karena itu sedapat mungkin seorang wanita merawat dan melindunginya. Namun berdasarkan sebuah Survey, sifat, tipe dan kepribadian seorang wanita dapat dilihat berdasarkan bentuk Payudara yang dimilikinya

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Yellow box junction marka baru di Indonesia

Jakarta Police Traffic Directorate continues to find ways to overcome barriers to congestion particularly at the intersection or crossing the street when the street lamp regulator impaired.
Is the Yellow box junction (YBJ) which is a square-shaped road markers or yellow rectangle painted on the asphalt at every intersection.
With YBJ, expected congestion at the intersection is not locked. Many motorists still break through red lights, when queues of vehicles in front of him has not decomposed.

Although the red light was green, before they hit the road users must stop YBJ. They can only be advanced if the vehicle in the YBJ is out.
For those riders who still forced to enter his vehicle into the YBJ, but still there are other vehicles in it, it will be a ticket, this same lane violation.
According to the Jakarta Police Traffic Director, Commissioner Royke Lumowa, this rule is still in the stage of socialization and not enforced. Installation of YBJ has done Jakarta Transportation Agency, among others, at a red light ahead Sarinah, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta.
"In some places there has been a long time, but this has not been enforced because it was the socialization phase. The assembling is done Affair, because police have no authority, "said Royke, Wednesday, December 15, 2010.
Royke words, when users see lane road in front of stuttering, should not force entry into YBJ although the light still green. So when the other lane green, there will be no traffic jam.
In the explanation of Law. 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic and Transport, article 287 (2) in conjunction with Article 106 (4) letter a, b of traffic signs and stop behind the stop line. Criminal is a two-month confinement in jail or a fine of Rp 500,000

pohon natal supermewah Rp 101 miliar

Hold your breath. Welcoming Christmas this year, a hotel in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) to install super Christmas tree with a value of 11 million U.S. dollars or equivalent to Rp 101 billion. Glek!
Reported by the Herald Sun, Thursday (12/16/2010), according to the Emirates Palace hotel manager, Hans Olbertz, this is the most expensive Christmas tree ever. Christmas tree with a height of 13 meters is decorated with leaves of gold, decorated with gold and silver, ball ornaments, and colored bright white light.
What makes it expensive is this Christmas tree filled with necklaces, earrings and other jewelry which is used as decoration. In total, this Christmas tree decorated with 181 grains of diamonds, pearls, emeralds, sapphires, and a number of other precious stones. This was conveyed Khalifa Khouri, owner of the Style Gallery that provides all of these precious stones.

"Christmas tree itself is worth 10 thousand U.S. dollars (USD 91 million)," said Olbertz while adding all the jewels that hung on the Christmas tree that reached Rp 101 billion in value.
"Maybe this is one way to enter the UAE's world record," he said adding it plans to contact the organization about the Christmas tree that will be installed until the end of this year. Although the UAE population is predominantly Muslim but the country is known liberal and open.